Aphids are sometimes also known as greenfly or blackfly. Most kinds of plant can be infested with aphids. They are one of the most common garden pests and can reproduce quickly.VIEW PRODUCTS
Caterpillars are little eating machines. Just one cabbage white can lay 20 eggs and before you know it your radishes are ravaged and your brassicas have been massacred!VIEW PRODUCTS
Chafer Grub
Chafer grubs are the larvae of beetles, and are the scourge of lawns turning pristine grassy areas into patchworks of yellow unhealthy grass and bare areas.VIEW PRODUCTS
Leather Jackets
Leatherjackets are cranefly larvae and they can do immense damage to lawns. If you notice bare and yellowing patches of grass, these critters may be the cause.VIEW PRODUCTS
Mealybugs are related to aphids and feed by sucking plant sap, causing direct feeding damage by production of honeydew and sooty moulds. They usually affect greenhouse and indoor plants.VIEW PRODUCTS
Box Tree Moth caterpillars feed on foliage which quickly leads to defoliation and dieback. They affect box plants planted as hedges or decorative individually potted plants.VIEW PRODUCTS
Red Spider Mite
Spider mites are a common plant and greenhouse pest. They produce characteristic leaf damage of white or silvery speckled patches.VIEW PRODUCTS
Sciarid Fly
Adults can spread fungal diseases but most damage is caused by the larva feeding on plant roots making them vulnerable to disease infections.VIEW PRODUCTS
Slug & Snails
These destructive demons are the most common pests found in the garden, we can help you keep them at bay!VIEW PRODUCTS
These pesky little pests wreak havoc by piercing the leaf surface and sucking the sap from flowers and leaves, causing extensive damage.VIEW PRODUCTS
Vine Weevil
Leaf notches around the edge of leaves indicates damage by adult weevils, larvae feed mainly on roots but they will also eat corms and soft fleshy stems.VIEW PRODUCTS
Presence of Whitefly is indicated by white scales on the underside of the leaves. Whitefly produce honeydew encouraging the production of black sooty mould.VIEW PRODUCTS
All images of pests are sourced from Holt Studios.