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Award-Winning Cabbage Caraflex F1: Improved Hispi Variety

Introducing Cabbage Caraflex F1, an improved Hispi variety known for its slightly larger pointed heads that stand a bit longer. The plants grow up to a notable height and spread, making them a valuable addition to any garden. These cabbages are fast-growing and versatile, perfect for both sowing and harvesting. They can be sown under glass in October and have earned the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit for their outstanding qualities.

Handy Tip: This versatile variety can be sown in October and planted in a tunnel or under cool glass for an early crop the following spring.

  • Key Features

  • Improved Hispi Variety: Slightly larger pointed heads that stand a bit longer.
  • Fast-Growing: Grows quickly and is easy to cultivate.
  • Versatile Sowing: Can be sown under glass in October for an early crop the following spring.
  • Prestigious Award: Recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
  • Notable Plant Dimensions: Grows to a substantial height and spread.
  • Hardy Biennial: Reliable and robust performance over two growing seasons.

Growing chart

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Sow Indoors
  • Sow Outdoors
  • Harvest
Sow Indoords
Sow Outdoors

Technical specifications

Approx. Seed Count50 Seeds
When to SowLate January to June. Germinates in 7-14 days.
Where to SowFor early sowings, use trays or modules under glass at an appropriate temperature. For later sowings, use a seed bed with shallow drills in short rows.
What to Do NextWhen glasshouse seedlings show their first pair of leaves, transfer them into trays, ensuring ample space between them. Thin modules to one seedling per cell. Gradually acclimate the seedlings before planting them out, maintaining proper spacing. For outdoor sowings, thin seedlings to provide enough space. Once they are sufficiently tall, transplant them to their final positions, keeping the same spacing guidelines.
HarvestJune to September