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Brussels Sprout Trafalgar F1

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Brussels Sprout Trafalgar F1: The Christmas Sprout

Introducing Brussels Sprout Trafalgar F1, fondly known as "The Christmas Sprout!" This British-bred, medium-height F1 hybrid is renowned for producing heavy crops of very sweetly flavoured, tight button sprouts that even children will love to eat. Trafalgar F1 matures from December to March, making it an ideal choice for the winter season.

Handy Tip: Harvest the lower sprouts first. Once all the sprouts are picked, cut out the top to use as delicious sprout top greens.

  • Key Features

  • The Christmas Sprout: Perfect for the festive season.
  • British Bred: Developed in the UK, ensuring superior quality.
  • Medium Height: Ideal for various garden spaces.
  • Sweetly Flavoured Sprouts: Delicious and appealing, even to children.
  • Tight Button Sprouts: Produces compact and firm sprouts.
  • Heavy Crop Yields: Ensures a bountiful harvest.
  • Matures from December to March: Perfect for a winter harvest.

Technical specifications

Approx. Seed count50 seeds
Where to SowSow March to April. Plant out April to May.
Where to SowSow the seeds thinly in trays or modules, ensuring an appropriate temperature under glass. For later sowings, use a seed bed with shallow drills in short rows.
What to Do NextWhen glasshouse seedlings show their first pair of leaves, transfer them into trays, ensuring ample space between them. Thin modules to one seedling per cell. Gradually acclimate the seedlings before planting them out, maintaining proper spacing. For outdoor sowings, thin seedlings to provide enough space. Once they are sufficiently tall, transplant them to their final positions, keeping the same spacing guidelines.
HarvestDecember to March