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Cooper Pegler CP3 2000 Series Professional Knapsack Sprayer

£230.99 with FREE delivery
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Product information

Knapsack Sprayer from Cooper Pegler. The Cooper Pegler CP3 2000 knapsack sprayer has a large 20 litre tank. A piston pump sprayer designed for safety & comfort. Safety features include a one way vent on the cap, no tank openings below liquid and a corrosion resistant liquid tank.

Using the 200 series knapsack sprayer

The 200 series is focussed on comfort for the user. The piston pump provides a wide pressure range and the entire knapsack sprayer is easy to clean & store. High performance composite lance with a choice of two nozzles (cone and anvil). Compatible spare parts and accessories are available.

  • Piston pump knapsack sprayer from Cooper Pegler
  • Safety features include a one-way vent on cap, corrosion resistant tank and no low openings
  • High performance lance with two nozzles (cone and anvil)
  • Reversible left / right pump lever, easy to adjust

Technical specifications

Max working pressure3 bar (45 psi)
Lance Length500 mm
Hose length1140 mm