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Gold Coast Flint Chippings 20mm Bulk Bag

£284.99 with FREE delivery
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In stock - available to buy nowFREE delivery on all orders over £60.00

Product information

Gold Coast chippings are a hardwearing flint combining several warm colours for a golden glow. This fish friendly product deepens in colour when wet, making it perfect for all kinds of water features too.

Please note that this item will require 5-7 working days for delivery.
Pallet deliveries are kerbside ONLY, please advise of any access issues before placing an order.
Please provide us with a contact number when placing your order.

  • Fish friendly

Technical specifications

Product size20mm
Product shapeAngular
ColourGolds, Creams & Buff
CoverageA depth of 50mm covers 0.24m²
Bag weightApproximately 700kg