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Spring gardening hub

Gardeners are switching over to peat-free compost and with an increasing number of peat-free options...Read the full article
In this article, we'll explore key visual cues, unusual growth patterns, and discolouration that can...Read the full article
Rounding up the essential products and our top tips for sowing and growing this gardening year!Read the full article
With the rising cost of fuel, food, and energy, many find that there is not much left over at the...Read the full article
Mulch is a simple yet remarkably effective tool that can revolutionise the health and vitality of...Read the full article
Dr Ian Bedford tells us everything we need to know about the 'bug of the month' for May, the black...Read the full article
Lawn care is a year-round job, it's time to get your lawn ready for those all-important gatherings...Read the full article
Choosing the perfect pair of gardening gloves can significantly enhance your gardening experience....Read the full article

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